Oil painting -> List of Painters ->Charles Demuth

Early Days:

   Demuth was a lifelong resident of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The home he shared with his mother is now the Demuth Museum, which showcases his work. He graduated from Franklin & Marshall Academy before studying at Drexel University and at Philadelphia's Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. While he was a student at PAFA, he met William Carlos Williams at his boarding house. The two were fast friends and remained close for the rest of their lives.

Charles Demuth


Personal Details


Charles Demuth

Date of Birth

November 8, 1883

Date of Death

October 23, 1935 (aged 51)


Watercolor, Painting






   While he was in Paris he met Marsden Hartley by walking up to a table of American artists and asking if he could join them. He had a great sense of humor, rich in double entendres, and they asked him to be a regular member of their group. Through Hartley he met Alfred Stieglitz and became a member of the Stieglitz group. In 1926, he had a one-man show at the Anderson Galleries and another at Intimate Gallery the New York gallery runs by his friend Alfred Stieglitz.

   Works Of Charles Demuth:

Work done by Charles Demuth

Work done by Charles Demuth