Oil painting -> List of Painters -> Arthur Boyd

Early days:

         Arthur Merric Bloomfield Boyd was born at Murrumbeena, Melbourne, Australia on 24 July 1920.Arthur was  the second child of Merric and Doris Boyd who were both potters and painters.At the National Gallery of Victoria Art School,he attended night classes.But mostly his artist grandfather with whom he stayed at Rosebud,Victoria taught him painting.


Arthur Boyd 


Personal Details:


Arthur Boyd

Place of birth

Melbourne, Australia

Date of Birth

June 24,1920

Date of Death






Popular Paintings

Dreaming Bridegroom I,Mourning Bride I ,Wheatfield-Berwick ,Portrait of Alannah Coleman I



         His initial solo exhibition of his works was held in Melbourne in 1937. In 1962, he was given  a retrospective exhibition at the Whitechapel Gallery, London. In 1967 Thames and Hudson published Franz Philipp's chief  monograph Arthur Boyd. Boyd visited  Australia again  in 1968 and  he constantly divided his time between Europe and Australia.

         Arthur Boyd created numerous series of works which includes a collection of 15 biblical paintings based on the teaching of his mother, Doris Boyd née Gough. Afterward he created a tempera series about large areas of sky and land, known as the Wimmera series.

Works of  Arthur Boyd:

arthur-boyd Boat builders paintings