Painting, the comeback art of 21st century
Painting is an art in itself. Gone are the days when painting remained to be the style of professional artists alone. Painting as an art has taken several forms that have remained un-described. Paining is an art that takes any form in the picture blended with colors or remain black and white.
Popularly understood as the art of colors, there is an endless list to the various forms of paintings that painters adopt. This art seemed to remain dead for quite some time, but nit any more. Painting is the comeback art of the 21st century that has evolved over time. There has been lot of innovation in the painting techniques that resulted in a huge development of the paining culture.
Many art exhibitions are paying heed to paining as a stand-alone art form that is growing as a profession and not a mere hobby. This cool art form is invading every single corner of the modern art world. There are so many objects and instruments that are used for "painting" alone. In fact the world has also seen painting techniques that do not involve a brush. Below mentioned is a list of painting technique that does not involve using a brush.
Top 13 Painting techniques that do not involve using a brush:
1. Splattering and Dripping:
Splattering and dripping is technique that involves use of some weird objects to place the colors on the canvas without even touching the canvas. A famous painter, Pollock used the splatter and drip technique with objects like a metal rod, kitchen equipments, thin long sticks and even towels to bring colors on the surface of the canvas.

2. Palette Knives:
Many professional artists use the technique of using palette knives for paining. The technique is simple which involves loading the paint on the palette knife instead of the paint brush and simply rubbing the surface of the knife on the canvas. There are many professional painters that are trained in using these Palette knives for painting to achieve different textured effects.

3. Pouring:
Poring is yet another technique of painting that is done without the involvement of a brush. Any material like cups, buckets and holders are used to pour the paint on the canvas to derive shapes that depict pictures. The technique used to pour is purely in the understanding of the painter.

4. Scrapping and pulling:
An old form of painting technique without the use of a brush is mostly used in depicting abstract forms of paintings. The control of what comes as the outcome is completely lost when this type of painting technique is used. This eventually brings out the natural beauty of the picture in the painting.

5. Finger printing:
Many artists use their own fingers for painting instead of the brush. Some painters use latex gloves and then finger print their hands on the canvas. This form of brushless painting gives you more freedom to express your ideas on paper. A free from of painting style it is considered which brings out the very natural outcome of the painting and the painters thoughts in mind.

6. Body painting:
Yet another form of paining technique without the use of brush is the body painting technique. In this form of painting technique, it involves having nude female painting models that are referred to as human paint brushes. These techniques involved rolling their body in international Klein paint and then create impressions of their body on the paper.

7. Oil bars and oil sticks:
The paint industry has also evolved over time. The objects and containers in which paints are sold have kept changing. With the advent of oil sticks and oil bars of paints sold, many creative painters have adopted them as a form of brushless painting technique. The oil sticks and oil bars are themselves used directly to apply the paint on the canvas. The only drawback of this type of painting technique is that it requires clean up of the overall painting picture.

8. Air brushing:
Air brushing is yet another form of painting that is done without the use of a paint brush. This form involves using compressed air to spray paint of the surface of the canvas to color the image on the canvas. The air sprayed paint on the canvas projects smooth impressions of colors that deliver a unique finishing look of the overall painting.

9. Spongy Painting:
This technique involves using sponges of various shapes, sizes and textures for paining. The beauty of this form of painting technique is the effect that it delivers from the texture of the sponge. The painter uses his/her creativity in the painting that involves using sponge instead of a brush.

10. Squeeze bottles:
Some painters use squeezed bottles to project clean effects of the fine thin lines of the edges of the painting.

11. Rags and paper towels:
Painting that involve spreading of paint in wide area on the canvas, are done best using rags and paper towels. This technique has become a famous brushless form of painting that is adopted by many professional artists.

12. Credit cards:
Many artists have used the edge of credit cards for applying paints on the canvas. Some artists even cut these credit cards into pieces to deliver a fine smooth finishing.

13. Digital Painting:
With over every single thing getting digitized with the growth and development in technology, then why not art. Paining as an art is also taking the technological advancement as "digital painting". With famous software like Photoshop, Gimp etc, paining has taken a new from in the digital world too.

Many artists today continue to explore more and more techniques that do not involve the use of a brush, at the same time deliver different effects on canvas.