Odd Nerdrum

Personal Details:
Name |
Odd Nerdrum |
Place of birth |
Holmestrand, Norway |
Year of Birth |
1944 |
Nationality |
norwagian |
Paintings |
Self-Portrait with Model, The Giant, The Evening Star, The Shepherd, The Monolith. |
Odd Nerdrum is an incredibly famous and influential Norwegian painter known for his highly individual style of painting, which is considered to be a part of the 'New Figurative' movement. He was born in 1944 in Norway and has been a highly respected and renowned painter for many years. His paintings are often characterized by strong, dramatic lighting, bold and often dark colors, and an almost expressionist feel to them.
Nerdrum's painting style has earned him a huge following over the years and has become highly sought after by collectors. He is known for his unique and often controversial blend of realism and expressionism, which has earned him both praise and criticism. His paintings often contain strong emotive elements, and often depict scenes of violence, cruelty, and suffering. This has led to some of his works being labelled as 'dark' and 'morbid' by many.
Nerdrum's paintings have been exhibited in many galleries and museums around the world, and he has also had solo exhibitions in several prestigious locations. He is renowned for his large-scale paintings, which often feature figures and scenes from the past, often from Norse mythology. He has also been known to paint portraits of well-known figures, including Pope John Paul II, the Dalai Lama and even the Norwegian Prime Minister.
Nerdrum's painting technique is highly unusual and often regarded as unique. He does not use conventional paints, instead preferring to use oil stick and wax. He usually begins by sketching out the basic elements of his painting on canvas, and then builds up the painting from there, adding colour and texture as he goes. His paintings often feature a strong sense of depth and atmosphere, created by the use of light and shade.
Nerdrum is considered to be one of the most influential and important figures in contemporary art, and his work has been highly praised by many. He is known for his unique style of painting, which has earned him some criticism, but it is also highly respected and sought after. He has achieved a great deal of success and his works are now highly sought after.