The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Famous painting:

The Storm on the Sea of Galilee is a famous oil painting by Rembrandt Van Rijn and was completed in 1633. Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum of Boston used to house this famous oil painting, but it has been missing since 1990.

Description :

The painting, in vertical format, shows a close-up view of Christ's disciples struggling frantically against the heavy storm to regain control of their fishing boat.A huge wave beats the bow and rips the sail.One of the disciples is seen vomiting over the side.Another one, looking directly out at the viewer, is a self-portrait of the artist.Only Christ, depicted on the right, remains calm.[1]

The close-up treatment of the subject and the overall composition go back to the print made by Adriaen Collaert after a design by the Flemish artist Maerten de Vos.That print depicting the storm on the sea of Galilei was plate 8 in the 12-part Vita, passio et Resvrrectio Iesv Christ which was published by Jan and Raphael Sadeler in Antwerp in 1583. Rembrandt's painting follows the portrait format in his composition and also depicts the boat in a forward tilting position. Like in the print, most of the space of the work is taken up by the main motif, which is the disciples on the boat struggling against the elements.

The Storm on the Sea of Galilee painted by Rembrandt.It depicts Jesus calming the waves of the sea, saving the lives of the fourteen men aboard the vessel,Of these fourteen men, it is said Rembrandt included a self portrait of himself in the boat, next to Jesus and his twelve disciples.On March 18, 1990, the painting was stolen by thieves disguised as police officers. They broke into the Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum in Boston, Massachusetts, and stole this painting, along with twelve other works. The paintings have never been recovered, and it is considered the biggest art theft in history. The empty frames of the paintings still hang in their original location, waiting to be recovered.


The Storm on the Sea of Galilee Famous painting